So, I have been thinking about writing a blog like this for a while to help those like you to decide if AAT is right for you and your career goals and help you face the fear of starting education again!
Don’t worry, you aren’t alone if you don’t know what it is! Before I started working at Accountancy Learning I didn’t have a clue either! So let me explain…
AAT stands for the Association of Accounting Technicians. It’s the entry point for anyone thinking of starting or enhancing their career in Accounting or Bookkeeping. And trust me, just because you may not have heard of the qualification doesn’t mean employers haven’t! In fact, it’s the UK’s leading professional membership body for accounting staff and has over 150,000 members in over 90 countries worldwide.
Upon completion of AAT you can then progress directly onto ACCA, ACA, CIMA or many other qualifications!
Well, that depends how seriously you want to be taken when searching for a new career in finance?!
AAT Qualifications are recognised worldwide and are greatly respected in the finance industry. They are designed to give you the practical skills you need to build a career in finance. Plus, the chances of progression within your job role is a lot higher than for someone without these skills.
A lot of people think that there are specific requirements to begin AAT such as age, experience and relevant qualifications. You will be glad to know that this is not true:
Some providers do have classroom-based studies and some (like Accountancy Learning) offer distance learning courses which means you can study in your own home at times that suit you! But please remember you will have to sit exams at your local exam centre which you can find here:
Accountancy Learning also delivers Apprenticeships the South West of England and these involve classroom-based studies (but don’t have to).
Here’s what some of our students have said about our AAT courses:
A common misconception is that you can only work in Accountants or small firms. This is not the case, every single business in the world needs an accountant or bookkeeper! You can volunteer in a local charity, start your own business as a bookkeeper or even work in businesses such as NHS, film forensics or in the public sector – the opportunities are endless!
We can help you with the following:
Accountancy Learning are multi AAT Award winners because of our outstanding courses, excellent support and high pass rates. So you’re in safe hands!
Contact us and we will be more than happy to help you with any other questions you have. We understand that studying can be daunting, so we want to make sure that whatever you decide is what suits you and your needs.
T: 01392 435 349