The learning materials were perfect to get you started
I was aiming to get through the Foundation Certificate in Accounting course in less than a year. I had checked online reviews to try and help me to choose the best training provider and the majority were pointing towards Accountancy Learning.
My tutor Dawn was always available to either speak on the phone or over email. She was able to provide answers to any questions I had, whether they were regarding the units within the course or just general admin.
How did you find the learning materials, admin team and tutor support?
The learning materials were perfect to get you started with the AAT. They are detailed but have been split into manageable sections that don’t scare you off!
Any practice assessments that you need marked will be marked within 24 hours.
What would you say to someone looking to start out on their AAT journey?
I would recommend starting with Accountancy Learning. They are able to adapt to your pace of learning, whether you are trying to get through it quickly or take your time.