I decided to start studying AAT in September 2019 as I had been working at Thandi Nicholls Ltd Chartered Accountants for 5 years as an Office Manager. After much research online I chose Accountancy Learning as they were the top distance learning provider of 2019. The interactive Moodle learning platform and the support/tutor package was a deciding factor in my choice, both have been immensely helpful in achieving my high grades.
I started off with Level 2 AAT and to date have completed 4 out of 5 exams, (BTRN 100%, BKCL 100%, ELCO 95% and Synoptic 97%). I am currently waiting for the UCAS exam to be marked. At the start of April 2020, I also started studying for Level 3 AAT and I am enjoying the new challenging material. With the coronavirus lockdown it has been more challenging to keep a strict study pattern, whilst working from home and home schooling the children but I have quickly learned to be strict and carve out time to ensure I still complete 12 hours study time to stay on target with completing Level 3 AAT ready for the challenge of starting Level 4 AAT (hopefully next year).
Accountancy Learning and in particular my tutor Sally Antrobus, have truly been amazing with the support and guidance to ensure I reach my full potential and succeed on my course, even throughout the lockdown. This is a very personalised service that fits in perfectly with your lifestyle.