Star Student July 2024: Ben Watson

Personal Tutor: Sarah

I began my AAT journey in 2022 when I obtained a job as an Apprentice Accounting Technician with  Cornwall Council and studied for my Level 2.  In February 2024 I moved learning providers to Accountancy Learning and am now working towards my Level 3.  I have found once a fortnight at College and once a fortnight studying online a combination that works really well for me and I have thrived in my studies since enrolling with Accountancy Learning.  Alongside my studies and my full-time Apprentice job I am also an on-call Firefighter dedicating 120 hours per month to being available for the Fire Service.  Balancing all of this can be tricky particularly if I am out all night at a Fire Incident and then have work or college the next day.  Working from home enables me to combine work, studies and being an on-call Firefighter.  One minute I can be in a meeting at work the next minute rushing to a Fire callout. Life is certainly varied!!

Sarah said:

Ben is a great student. He is very dedicated and has been doing really well in his studies so far. Ben has a great attitude and this is further demonstrated by how he manages his job, his studies and his role as an on call fire fighter. Ben has met the deadlines set for all his work, despite requiring to drop things very quickly to attend to his firefighting duties at any hour of the day. He is a wonderful example of a dedicated student, who not only has a passion for his work, but also for helping his community too. Well Done Ben, definitely a fantastic star student!