Tutor response times will vary with different training providers, however, at Accountancy Learning, our tutor response times are:
For course help (e.g. if you get stuck with something), you will normally be able to speak to a tutor right away by simply phoning us (during normal working hours and some evenings). If you email your tutor, they will usually get back to you within 24 hours but often a lot sooner than this, making our tutor response times quick and easy.
For coursework, our ‘standard’ Tutor response is to return marked progress tests within 48 hours (2 working days) although we will generally try to do this within 24 hours.
The speed of tutor response is to a certain extent governed by how well you have done in your progress test. If you have really nailed it, it is really easy and really quick to mark. It has been known for progress tests to be returned, fully marked, within 20 minutes, however, please don’t expect this!
If you have completely ‘mashed it’ and got yourself in a complete pickle, then it can take ages for the tutor to mark your script, to unravel where you went wrong and to give constructive feedback on this, as well as how to resolve it and get it right the next time.
Moodle quizzes
We do have a number of quizzes on Moodle, which are automatically marked by Moodle, with instant feedback on what you got right or wrong and an explanation of the answers given. We would encourage you to fully utilise these because you will get this instant feedback and you can do them as many times as you want.
AAT website
Likewise, we would encourage you to use the resources on the AAT website, such as the Green Light Zone for the same reason – instant feedback.
These shorter quizzes and tests allow you to build up your knowledge and skills so that when you submit your progress tests/practice assessments to your tutors for marking and feedback, you have made a much better stab completing it correctly. The tutor feedback will then also be more manageable for you.
Submitting coursework
Don’t forget that your personal tutor is allowed to take some holiday – we have tried to ban it, but they insist that they are entitled to it!?!
So, please don’t leave it until the night before your exam before sending us 2 or 3 practice assessments, asking for them to marked with comprehensive feedback before your exam at 9.30 am the next morning!!
When you have your regular contact with your tutor let them know when you plan to submit your next progress test so they can make sure they are in a position to respond quickly.
Also remember that, although the AAT exams are ‘on-demand’, the synoptic exams are limited to set ‘windows’. At Advanced level (Level 3) and Professional level (Level 4), these take place roughly 1 week every 2 months. There is therefore bound to be a concentration of synoptic practice assessments being submitted for marking in the run-up to these windows.