Knowledge Centre

Welcome to our Knowledge Centre! Here you will find the answers to a bunch of frequently answered questions that could help you with your AAT qualification. Whether it’s guidance with choosing a course or information about a particular career path, we have it covered. 

If we didn’t get it right, send us an email with your question and we will do our best to get it answered and shared as a new post: [email protected] Choose a category below to get started or simply search for whatever you’re looking for.

AAT Pass Mark

What is the AAT pass mark for exams?

The AAT pass mark for each exam (assessment) is 70%. If you are undertaking an ‘accounting’ qualification your % pass mark for each exam will contribute to your overall qualification grade. Are there exam grades? How do they work? There are

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What funding options are available?

There is a range of funding/finance options (subject to eligibility), as follows: Advanced Learner Loans: Click here to find out more about these (GOV.UK website), including eligibility, what you’ll get, how to apply, repayments, and bursary fund. Please bear in mind that

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Do prices on your website shop include VAT?

VAT on course prices in our website shop: All of our AAT courses include an element of VAT, however, this does vary between all the courses/ units and different AAT levels. The VAT element is NOT separated from the price shown on our website shop. This is

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