Rosauro Aala

Senior AAT Tutor/Head of Curriculum

Ros Aala Feb 2025


I started my career as an external and internal auditor in 1993 with Coopers & Lybrand in Plymouth after reading Classical Civilisation and Mathematics at the University of Glasgow.  I qualified with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.  I then spent time on secondment with the firm’s training department in London, developing auditing training materials as well as spending time in the firm’s offices in the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan and South Africa.  I also fulfilled the role of financial controller at Vi-Spring Ltd in Plymouth, covering maternity leave.

In 2000 I joined BPP Professional Education in Slovakia.  I taught several subjects and helped to develop new courses for the local market.  I taught all over Central and Eastern Europe and in 2005 became the managing director of BPP in Slovenia arranging courses for BPP’s clients there.  I also became caretaker managing director for BPP Bulgaria, training one of the local staff to take over full time.  My role expanded to look after any country in Europe where there was no physical BPP office providing either distance learning solutions, online courses or fly-in-fly-out courses according to the needs to of clients.  This role expanded to include the Caribbean and Mauritius.  I was the chief examiner for the Greek Institute of Certified Public Accountants when they wanted to convert locally qualified staff to achieve the ACCA qualification.  I was awarded BPP International Tutor of the year in 2012!

I returned to the UK in 2012 and delivered most of my teaching in the Channel Islands.  I took on the role of subject manager for ICAEW’s Business Planning: Banking examination preparing course notes, teaching guides and Camtasia lectures for online delivery.

Outside of work, I am married to Dana and have two boys, Trystan and Kieran.  I volunteer with the Royal Air Force Air Cadets where I organise adult and cadet training for Cornwall and West Devon and am treasurer for my sons’ scout group and school’s PTA.  I enjoy being outdoors.

I also mentor prospective accountants through the Social Mobility Foundation.

My Motto:

“Education transformed my life.  I want to help others achieve great things too.”